Monday, March 5, 2012

Blog 7

Being the only girl and followed by three brothers I’m not quite sure why my parents never covered the sex talk with me growing up but they really did not touch on it too much. I came to college I had never taken birth control but knew I needed to take it to be careful. I did not tell my mom when I choose to get on birth control. One day we were at lunch I believe my junior year in college when I was at home over a break and I took out my birth control without thinking about it to take my pill for the day and my mom was mortified. She said “Megan Elizabeth, what are you doing taking that out in public! There might be someone here that we know!” I responded with telling her she should be happy if someone we knew was there saw me take my birth control because then they would know that I am being safe and not being an idiotic irresponsible college student. Many people I grew up with or just went to school with in passing have children and are my age, my high school sweetheart (the boy I lost it to and him me in high school) has a child and is married and is only a year older than me. I have engraved it in my mom’s head that she should be happy that I am being safe and she should not be embarrassed if anymore were to see me doing the action that keeps me safe. Girls should not be embarrassed if someone sees their blue, tan or whatever color birth control case in public because we are doing what we need to do to stay safe. It is our bodies and our futures that we make the decisions for and no one should be embarrassed for that.

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