Monday, April 16, 2012

Pop Culture

Pop culture is everywhere we turn, we are bombarded by it every single day with the television shows we watch, the music we listen to and the advertisements we see. These can put a negative or positive taste in our mouths about gender. My favorite television show is Desperate Housewives and my favorite character is Lynette. She is a very strong, independent woman who when she has children quits her job to stay home but then into further seasons she goes back to work with her husband staying at home. In this season her husband gets sick of her being so outspoken and leaves her for a woman who says all the "right things" and does everything for him, while Lynette tries to win him back. I don't think enough shows depict strong, working women and when they do they show that woman as cold and not happy. She is shown like that throughout the seasons which I don't like but I do like that even though her husband leaves her and people view her as cold she still does not change and does not choose to change her ways. I believe her character has influenced me to know that I can still have a family and a career when I get older and it is okay to take time away from work to raise a family but then also go back to the work world and to never change who you are. Out of all the television shows I watch her character has had the most influence on how I would want my working and family life to be like.

Monday, April 2, 2012


I classify myself in the category of pro-choice because I honestly do not know what I would do if I was put into the situation to choose. But because of my social location in society I would not have to choose abortion. I do believe in adoption because so many families that want children cannot have them but more girls that are too young or cannot afford to raise a child consider adoption but then once the baby comes changes their minds, which is wrong. If a young girl cannot mentally handle being a mother or financially raise a child or her family cannot then they should either take care of the situation before they become too attached or change their minds about adoption.

I believe fully in God and I am religious but some situations are not for everyone and I believe children should not be born into bad situations because then the odds are fully against them.