Monday, February 13, 2012


My social and political position on things is very in the middle, saying I am very moderate in my political beliefs. I have shifted from a very conservative at the age of 18 to a moderate and even more liberal on certain topics now being 21 and living away from my parents and on my own. I believe living in Mississippi has opened my eyes to many social and political issues that people either do not talk about where I am from or have viewpoints different from people from Mississippi.  

I believe I am oppressed by my position on some topics by my parents, for instance prop 26. I put my Facebook profile picture to Vote No on Prop 26, updated my status about it and so forth and when my parents would ask me about it I would tell them my stance and they automatically would act like they weren’t listening. My parents view the things that fell under prop 26 very different than I do, but I have grown to learn about these things and change my political position on many things from being in college and being around different people and learning new things. I don’t believe that your gender or race should set you back from equal job opportunities when you are working just as hard as the “white man”.

When I express some of these beliefs people either avoid the topic completely or just think I’m crazy. I think I’m privileged to have this open thinking that I have picked up over the last four years because it sets me apart from others and gives me a wider and better understanding of the world which makes me feel better about my knowledge and myself.

I think it is our right as women to know that believing something different and going against the man is okay. Stepping out of the social norm our society has created could be good for many people. 

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