Monday, May 7, 2012


I agree with some aspects, because that fetus will eventually be a child when it is born and I am fully pro-choice but I am pro-choice because I don't know what I would do if I were put in that situation. You can't fully commit to something (in my opinion) until you are put through it yourself. Which is why there is so much controversy over it, for example Amendment 26-giving men the opinion in voting on what to do with women's bodies. Wrong. But that is just my opinion. I am on the fence with some aspects but that is why I consider myself pro-choice.

I agree with the entire fairy tale happy ending that we wish for when we are younger, being the only girl in a house full of brothers my parents referred to me as the princess. Even though this is my fourth year at college I still have my "princess/diva" moments but now growing up I realize I don't want to find "prince charming" for about 4 more years (I'm 21), but all of our situations are different of course! I agree girls need the sense of being rescued, which in my opinion may be why the divorce rate is what it is and also why girls choose to marry so young when they haven't even developed who they are themselves. But yes pop culture and our media definitely brain wash us from start to finish, no matter what the age.

Part 2:

I think what I have learned the most is not to be walked all over by the way things are in our society now. I developed more feminism views about March of last year when one of my ex boyfriends and I completely ended all forms of communication. He was very sexist and racist (told me to change my major to elementary education so I would be able to "find a job" wherever his job sent him, when he always knew I wanted to be apart of the business world) and for a bit it did rub off on me. And through this class it made me realize even more that I am a strong, independent young woman that does not need a man telling me what to do, I am fully capable. 
Paige had commented on my pop culture blog about the show Desperate Housewives commenting how in shows and movies with strong women they often end up being left or never being able to find a man. I think compromise and negotiation works for every type of relationship business, friendships, and even marriages/relationships. But you must not only compromise and negotiate for the other person's wants and needs, you must be treated as an equal. Even talking to my mom about some topics in class she told me something that she wished she would have done right before marriage or right between marriage and having me-set up who is going to do what, whether it be for the year or for forever. My mom keeps track of the paperwork, deals with the money, deals with our college tuition and every other little thing. My dad didn't even know you could transfer money online, he told me that last year. Not doubting my father and other men but using some of what I learned in this course and relying it to my mom and she telling me her input made me realize things I do need to do when I find the "fairytale facade" (woof). And I always thought Beyonce was all about girl power until I read "Single Ladies", I love Beyonce and I have been to many Destiny's Child concerts when I was younger, but that definitely put a bad image in my head about her and her views. But anyways I really did enjoy this class and I know I will continue to use what I have learned throughout the future!